Dog Farts While Sleeping But The Cat’s Comeback Has Audiences Going Wild

A pet owner is innocently recording his pets. His dog is fast asleep on the bed and beside him, his cat lounges about. All seems fine, until… the unexpected happens.

video sourceSome things just can’t be helped. And some of those things can be a tad, um, unpleasant. Passing gas is a bodily function that is beyond our control. Yet, some are either repulsed by it or find it to be the funniest thing ever.

The cat in this video is on team Anti-Gas. Most would assume since it’s something we can’t control, that another animal really wouldn’t care. Have you ever seen a pet really mind if another pet has to go to the bathroom? Take a drink of water? Um, no. But this cat is a major exception.

While his doggy sibling is happily snoozing, a necessary bodily function sneaks out of his little body. He continues to sleep, oblivious, having no idea what just happened.

Well, the cat is one of those creatures that does not appreciate a good toot. And has no qualms expressing that. The cat’s reaction to the sleep fart is truly epic. Go ahead and see for yourself. This video is yet another reason to love animals. Aren’t they the best?

Dog Farts While Asleep and Makes Cat Angry

Do you have a dog and cat in your family? Do they get along well? Some people are owned by just a dog or a cat but many have a whole group of fur-family members. Be sure to share a fun experience in your family below in the comments. We’d love to hear it! 🙂

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