Example 1: Let’s say you have 4 dogs and we come to clean up 2 times a week. You refer someone you has 2 dogs and we service them once a week. This referral would generate you 12.5% off.
Example 2: You have 4 dogs and we clean up your yard once a week. You refer someone with 4 dogs and we service them once a week. This referral would generate you a 25% off discount.
This is where our referral program shocks people. When you refer customers to AwwCrap! Pooper Scooper Service, you continue to get that discount for the life of your account. But if the people you refer drop service your discount drops as well. Example below.
Example 1: Staying with example 2 from above, if your referral dropped service, your next billing would reflect a loss discount of that 25%.
As you refer people we let you know who they are and what type of service the receive. If they drop service we let you know as well. In the video below I go over the referral program in detail. So if you still have questions, watch the video or just give me a call.